5.2.2 standard Tokenizer 标准分词器

所谓 分词器,就是接收一串文字,把它拆分成单个的字词或标记(或许丢弃了一些字符,比如标点符号什么的),然后输出一个 标记流

最让人觉得有意思的就是 识别 字词的算法。空格分词器只是简单地在空格符,制表符,换行符等等的地方做切分操作 — 即假定几个相连的字母为一个单独的单词。比如:

GET /_analyze?tokenizer=whitespace
You're the 1st runner home!

这个请求会返回这样子的几个词:You're, the, 1st, runner, home!

字母 分词器,则会在任何不是字母的地方做切分,那上面这段句子就会被切分为:You, re, the, st, runner, home

标准 分词器使用 Unicode 切分文本算法(在 Unicode Standard Annex #29 中被规定)来找出单词 之间 的边界,然后把边界中的内容都输出出来。它对于 Unicode 的支持能力使得它能成功地切分多种语言混合书写的文本。


GET /_analyze?tokenizer=standard
You're my 'favorite'.

在这个示例中,You're 中的上撇号会被认为是词中的一部分,而 'favourite' 中的单引号则不会,所以最后切分完之后的词就会是这样:You're, my, favorite


uax_url_email 分词器和 标准 分词器工作方式是一样的,除了它会把 email 地址和 URL 会当做单个的标记输出出来。而 标准 分词器则会尝试着把它们再细分成单个的词。比如 [email protected] 就会被切分成 joe, bloggs, foo, bar.com

标准分词器是处理大多数语言的一个恰当的起始点,尤其是西方语言。它事实上也的确是大多数语言解析器的基石,比如 英语法语 以及 西班牙语 解析器。它也支持亚洲语系,但颇有些局限性,你与其使用标准分词器,不如考虑换用 icu_tokenizer,这个分词器可以安装 ICU 插件来获得。

A tokenizer accepts a string as input, processes the string to break it into individual words, or tokens (perhaps discarding some characters like punctuation), and emits a token stream as output.

What is interesting is the algorithm that is used to identify words. The whitespace tokenizer simply breaks on whitespace—spaces, tabs, line feeds, and so forth—and assumes that contiguous nonwhitespace characters form a single token. For instance:

GET /_analyze?tokenizer=whitespace
You're the 1st runner home!

This request would return the following terms: You're, the, 1st, runner, home!

The letter tokenizer, on the other hand, breaks on any character that is not a letter, and so would return the following terms: You, re, the, st, runner, home.

The standard tokenizer uses the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm (as defined in Unicode Standard Annex #29) to find the boundaries between words, and emits everything in-between. Its knowledge of Unicode allows it to successfully tokenize text containing a mixture of languages.

Punctuation may or may not be considered part of a word, depending on where it appears:

GET /_analyze?tokenizer=standard
You're my 'favorite'.

In this example, the apostrophe in You're is treated as part of the word, while the single quotes in 'favorite' are not, resulting in the following terms: You're, my, favorite.


The uax_url_email tokenizer works in exactly the same way as the standard tokenizer, except that it recognizes email addresses and URLs and emits them as single tokens. The standard tokenizer, on the other hand, would try to break them into individual words. For instance, the email address [email protected] would result in the tokens joe, bloggs, foo, bar.com.

The standard tokenizer is a reasonable starting point for tokenizing most languages, especially Western languages. In fact, it forms the basis of most of the language-specific analyzers like the english, french, and spanish analyzers. Its support for Asian languages, however, is limited, and you should consider using the icu_tokenizer instead, which is available in the ICU plug-in.

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