4.3 Multifield Search 跨字段搜索


比如说,有时候我们可能想要搜索一本作者名为“列夫 托尔斯泰”且书名叫“战争与和平”的书;又或者我们可能想要在一本介绍 Elasticsearch 的书籍中查找有关“minimum should match”的内容,而这个查询关键词既可能出现在书的某一章节的标题中,也可能是出现在章节的正文中;再或者,我们可能会查询名字是 John 且姓氏是 Smith 的用户。


Queries are seldom simple one-clause match queries. We frequently need to search for the same or different query strings in one or more fields, which means that we need to be able to combine multiple query clauses and their relevance scores in a way that makes sense.

Perhaps we’re looking for a book called War and Peace by an author called Leo Tolstoy. Perhaps we’re searching the Elasticsearch documentation for “minimum should match,” which might be in the title or the body of a page. Or perhaps we’re searching for users with first name John and last name Smith.

In this chapter, we present the available tools for constructing multiclause searches and how to figure out which solution you should apply to your particular use case.

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