5.1.3 Pitfalls of Mixing Languages 多语言的坑






德语的提取词根的规则有别于英语,法语,瑞典语等等。把同一个词根提取规则应用到不同的语言中会导致有些词被正确地提取了词根,有些则不正确,甚至有些词压根就没有被提取词根。这甚至可能导致不同语言中表示不同含义的单词提取词根后,变成了同一个单词,致使混淆了它们的真正意思,并给用户造成了一个混乱不清的搜索结果。 阔怕,我开始方了 [╯□╰]



只允许同时使用一种词根提取法的原则也会遇上意外情况,当多门语言隶属于不同书写体系的时候,那这个原则被打破也没有问题。举个例子,在以色列,有可能一个文档中包含了 希伯来语, 阿拉伯语, 俄文(斯拉夫语系),以及英文:

אזהרה - Предупреждение - تحذير - Warning



什么是相关性? (What Is Relevance?)一文中我们解释了当一个词在一系列文档中出现得越频繁,那它的权重就越低。所以为了准确地计算相关性,我们首先需要有准确的各个词的出现频率。



在多语言的业务场景下,仅仅关注你的文档还远远不够,你还需要考虑你的用户会怎么检索这些文档。通常情况下,你可以从 2 种渠道来得知用户的主语言,通过用户选择的交互界面(比如你的网站同时有德文版和法语版,网址域名分别以.de.fr结尾,通过分析用户选择的网站语言版本就可以得知用户的主语言是什么),再或者可以通过用户浏览器的 HTTP header 中的 accept-language 中得知 谷妹真心不容易...


  • 查询自己主语言的结果(比如输入“耐克”来搜索当季的耐克在中国大陆上市的新品。在中文环境下,输入的是中文,希望得到的结果也是中文)

  • 用其他语言来查询自己主语言的结果(比如输入“nike”来搜索当季的耐克在中国大陆上市的新品。在中文环境下,输入的是英文,但是希望得到的结果是中文)

  • 用其他语言来查询该语言的结果(比如输入“nike”来搜索当季的耐克在美国本土上市的新品,这通常是一个双语言的人才会干的事,比如香港同胞,或者一个网咖里的歪果仁,来自米国本土,却出差到了上海,在上海的一家网咖里上网。在中文环境下,输入的是英文,希望得到的查询结果也是英文)


查询结果的语言版本一般都更倾向于采用用户所使用的语言。比如一个说英语的,即使他在网站上输入一个法语词“deja vu”,但他可能也更希望搜索结果是英文的维基百科页面而不是法语版的维基页面。 然而我大天朝只能访问英文版维基百科,而打不开中文版,sad!凭啥香港银就可以?凭啥台湾银就可以?恩,他们是异端,我们应该把他们踢出我大天朝

法语词,deja vu,即幻觉记忆(也译为既视感,即视感,自法语“Déjà vu”或“paramnésie”,译名“即视感”直译自和制汉语),指人在清醒的状态下第一次见到某场景,却感到“似曾相识”,是一种常见于大多数人的生理现象。






在这里,我不得不安利下 Google 的 chromium-compact-language-detector 庫,来自于 Mike McCandless,以(Apache License 2.0) Compact Language Detector (CLD) 许可证的形式开源。它短小精悍,快准恨,有时只需要两个句子就可以从 160 多种语言中判断出这主要是由什么语言书写的。它甚至可以探测出一段文本使用到的多门语言。支持多种编程语言,包括 Python, Perl, JavaScript, PHP, C#/.NET, 和 R。

要从用户的查询请求中识别出用户的语言可不简单哦。CLD 是被设计成基于至少 200 个字符的语言探测器。文本长度越短,比如查询的关键字,就越容易产生错误的结果。因此除了搜索文本,最好综合考虑其他一些信息来启发式地判断用户的语言,比如查询请求的来源地信息,用户选择的语言信息,以及 HTTP header 中的 accept-language

If you have to deal with only a single language, count yourself lucky. Finding the right strategy for handling documents written in several languages can be challenging.

At Index Time

Multilingual documents come in three main varieties:

The goal, although not always achievable, should be to keep languages separate. Mixing languages in the same inverted index can be problematic.

Incorrect stemming

The stemming rules for German are different from those for English, French, Swedish, and so on. Applying the same stemming rules to different languages will result in some words being stemmed correctly, some incorrectly, and some not being stemmed at all. It may even result in words from different languages with different meanings being stemmed to the same root word, conflating their meanings and producing confusing search results for the user.

Applying multiple stemmers in turn to the same text is likely to result in rubbish, as the next stemmer may try to stem an already stemmed word, compounding the problem.

Stemmer per Script

The one exception to the only-one-stemmer rule occurs when each language is written in a different script. For instance, in Israel it is quite possible that a single document may contain Hebrew, Arabic, Russian (Cyrillic), and English:

אזהרה - Предупреждение - تحذير - Warning

Each language uses a different script, so the stemmer for one language will not interfere with another, allowing multiple stemmers to be applied to the same text.

Incorrect inverse document frequencies

In What Is Relevance?, we explained that the more frequently a term appears in a collection of documents, the less weight that term has. For accurate relevance calculations, you need accurate term-frequency statistics.

A short snippet of German appearing in predominantly English text would give more weight to the German words, given that they are relatively uncommon. But mix those with documents that are predominantly German, and the short German snippets now have much less weight.

At Query Time

It is not sufficient just to think about your documents, though. You also need to think about how your users will query those documents. Often you will be able to identify the main language of the user either from the language of that user’s chosen interface (for example, mysite.de versus mysite.fr) or from the accept-language HTTP header from the user’s browser.

User searches also come in three main varieties:

  • Users search for words in their main language.

  • Users search for words in a different language, but expect results in their main language.

  • Users search for words in a different language, and expect results in that language (for example, a bilingual person, or a foreign visitor in a web cafe).

Depending on the type of data that you are searching, it may be appropriate to return results in a single language (for example, a user searching for products on the Spanish version of the website) or to combine results in the identified main language of the user with results from other languages.

Usually, it makes sense to give preference to the user’s language. An English-speaking user searching the Web for “deja vu” would probably prefer to see the English Wikipedia page rather than the French Wikipedia page.

Identifying Language

You may already know the language of your documents. Perhaps your documents are created within your organization and translated into a list of predefined languages. Human pre-identification is probably the most reliable method of classifying language correctly.

Perhaps, though, your documents come from an external source without any language classification, or possibly with incorrect classification. In these cases, you need to use a heuristic to identify the predominant language. Fortunately, libraries are available in several languages to help with this problem.

Of particular note is the chromium-compact-language-detector library from Mike McCandless, which uses the open source (Apache License 2.0) Compact Language Detector (CLD) from Google. It is small, fast, and accurate, and can detect 160+ languages from as little as two sentences. It can even detect multiple languages within a single block of text. Bindings exist for several languages including Python, Perl, JavaScript, PHP, C#/.NET, and R.

Identifying the language of the user’s search request is not quite as simple. The CLD is designed for text that is at least 200 characters in length. Shorter amounts of text, such as search keywords, produce much less accurate results. In these cases, it may be preferable to take simple heuristics into account such as the country of origin, the user’s selected language, and the HTTP accept-language headers.

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