5.2.1 standard Analyzer 标注解析器

标准 解析器是默认使用于所有的全文解析字符串字段。如果我们使用一个 自定义解析器 来重新实现 标准 解析器,那写法就大概是这个样子:

    "type":      "custom",
    "tokenizer": "standard",
    "filter":  [ "lowercase", "stop" ]

Normalizing TokensStopwords: Performance Versus Precision 这两段中我们就 小写化无用词 过滤器 作了相关的讨论,那现在,让我们来对 标准 分词器 来做个深入探讨。

The standard analyzer is used by default for any full-text analyzed string field. If we were to reimplement the standard analyzer as a custom analyzer, it would be defined as follows:

    "type":      "custom",
    "tokenizer": "standard",
    "filter":  [ "lowercase", "stop" ]

In Normalizing Tokens and Stopwords: Performance Versus Precision, we talk about the lowercase, and stop token filters, but for the moment, let’s focus on the standard tokenizer.

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