13.1.9 Custom Analyzer 自定义解析器

你可以自行选择一种分词器以及一个或多个标记过滤器和一个或多个字符过滤器组合为一个自定义的解析器。你可以自行选择 合理的/被注册过的 名字来明来你的分词器和标记过滤器。但要注意的是自定义的分析器名字不可以用“_”开头。


配置项 描述
tokenizer 合理的/登记过的 分词器名
filter 合理的/登记过的 标记过滤器的名称列表,这一项是可选的
char_filter 合理的/登记过的 字符过滤器的名称列表,这一项是可选的
position_increment_gap 没懂... An optional number of positions to increment between each value of a field using this analyzer. Defaults to 100. 100 was chosen because it prevents phrase queries with reasonably large slops (less than 100) from matching terms across field values.


index :
    analysis :
        analyzer :
            myAnalyzer2 :
                type : custom
                tokenizer : myTokenizer1
                filter : [myTokenFilter1, myTokenFilter2]
                char_filter : [my_html]
                position_increment_gap: 256
        tokenizer :
            myTokenizer1 :
                type : standard
                max_token_length : 900
        filter :
            myTokenFilter1 :
                type : stop
                stopwords : [stop1, stop2, stop3, stop4]
            myTokenFilter2 :
                type : length
                min : 0
                max : 2000
        char_filter :
              my_html :
                type : html_strip
                escaped_tags : [xxx, yyy]
                read_ahead : 1024

An analyzer of type custom that allows to combine a Tokenizer with zero or more Token Filters, and zero or more Char Filters. The custom analyzer accepts a logical/registered name of the tokenizer to use, and a list of logical/registered names of token filters. The name of the custom analyzer must not start with "_".

The following are settings that can be set for a custom analyzer type:

Setting Description
tokenizer The logical / registered name of the tokenizer to use.
filter An optional list of logical / registered name of token filters.
char_filter An optional list of logical / registered name of char filters.
position_increment_gap An optional number of positions to increment between each value of a field using this analyzer. Defaults to 100. 100 was chosen because it prevents phrase queries with reasonably large slops (less than 100) from matching terms across field values.

Here is an example:

index :
    analysis :
        analyzer :
            myAnalyzer2 :
                type : custom
                tokenizer : myTokenizer1
                filter : [myTokenFilter1, myTokenFilter2]
                char_filter : [my_html]
                position_increment_gap: 256
        tokenizer :
            myTokenizer1 :
                type : standard
                max_token_length : 900
        filter :
            myTokenFilter1 :
                type : stop
                stopwords : [stop1, stop2, stop3, stop4]
            myTokenFilter2 :
                type : length
                min : 0
                max : 2000
        char_filter :
              my_html :
                type : html_strip
                escaped_tags : [xxx, yyy]
                read_ahead : 1024

results matching ""

    No results matching ""