6.3.7 Field Data Fields fielddata_fields参数

该参数允许你指定一个键值对,键为字段名,值为字段值,然后在搜索结果返回的时候,每个匹配的数据中都会返回这个字段和值,哪怕事前这个字段并没有 store,下面是简单的示例:

    "query" : {
    "fielddata_fields" : ["test1", "test2"]

需要注意的是,fielddata_fields会导致这个字段的 terms 被加载到内存中(被缓存),即会增加内存的开销。

It’s important to understand that using the fielddata_fields parameter will cause the terms for that field to be loaded to memory (cached), which will result in more memory consumption.

Allows to return the field data representation of a field for each hit, for example:

    "query" : {
    "fielddata_fields" : ["test1", "test2"]

Field data fields can work on fields that are not stored.

It’s important to understand that using the fielddata_fields parameter will cause the terms for that field to be loaded to memory (cached), which will result in more memory consumption.

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