6.2 URI Search URI 型的查询方式

一个查询请求可以通过一个 URI 来完成,用 URI 的方式来查询的话,查询条件就集成在了 URI 中。这种方式有一定的局限性,但是优点在于轻便,尤其当你在做“curl 测试”的时候,举个栗子:

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/_search?q=user:kimchy'


        "total" : 5,
        "successful" : 5,
        "failed" : 0
        "total" : 1,
        "hits" : [
                "_index" : "twitter",
                "_type" : "tweet",
                "_id" : "1",
                "_source" : {
                    "user" : "kimchy",
                    "postDate" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
                    "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"


通过 URI 查询的时候,可以传入以下参数:

参数名 参数作用
q 查询字符串 (类似 query_string 查询, 详细请移步 Query String Query )
df 当查询请求没有指明字段前缀的时候,就会以该值指定的字段为默认字段
analyzer 指明用来解析查询字符串的解析器
lowercase_expanded_terms 设置查询字符串是否应该自动被转成小写格式,默认是会自动小写化的
analyze_wildcard 是否需要进行拼写修正以及 prefix queries。默认是不需要
default_operator 默认的运算符,可以是AND或者是OR。默认是OR
lenient 设置是否无视格式匹配错误。(比如用一个文本型的关键字去对一个数值型字段进行搜索)默认是不无视的
explain 每个匹配的结果,都包含一个解释信息,解释了为什么这个结果被认为是匹配的
source 设置是否需要返回 _source 字段。默认会返回的,改成false就不返回了。但你可以使用 _source_include & _source_exclude 来返回 _source 字段的部分内容。(具体查阅 request body 一文)
fields 指定要返回的字段,不指定任何值的话就会导致没有字段会返回。多个字段用英式逗号隔开
sort 用来设置排序条件,可以是一个字段名,或者字段名后跟 :asc:desc。也可以是 _score 即用相关度评分来排序。这个值也可以设置成多个,这时候顺序就很重要了。
track_scores 没看懂,直译了,自己看原文去 当排序的时候,把这个值设置成true 就可以追踪评分,并返回追踪到的信息 何为 track scores 追踪评分。。。。
timeout 设置本次查询操作的超时时间,默认是没有超时限制的
terminate_after 设置本次查询操作执行后,对每个分片所搜集的文档的数量上限,一旦本次查询操作查过了指定数量的文档就会提前结束。如果你设置了这个值,那么返回结果里就会多出一个布尔型的字段 terminated_early 来表示本次查询的结果是否是提前结束的结果。默认是不会提前结束的
from 分页查询时的起始位置,默认是 0
size 分页查询时的页容量,默认是10
search_type 查询类型,可以是 dfs_query_then_fetch, query_then_fetch, scan [2.1.0]1 或者 count [2.0.0-beta1]2. 默认是 query_then_fetch. 具体各个查询类型对应会有什么样的影响,参阅 查询类型

1 在 2.1.0 版本的时候被弃用. 可以使用一个用 _doc 排序的 regular scroll 来代替

2 在 2.0.0-beta1 版本的时候被弃用.可以用 size: 0 代替

A search request can be executed purely using a URI by providing request parameters. Not all search options are exposed when executing a search using this mode, but it can be handy for quick "curl tests". Here is an example:

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/_search?q=user:kimchy'

And here is a sample response:

        "total" : 5,
        "successful" : 5,
        "failed" : 0
        "total" : 1,
        "hits" : [
                "_index" : "twitter",
                "_type" : "tweet",
                "_id" : "1",
                "_source" : {
                    "user" : "kimchy",
                    "postDate" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
                    "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"


The parameters allowed in the URI are:

Name Description
q The query string (maps to the query_string query, see Query String Query for more details).
df The default field to use when no field prefix is defined within the query.
analyzer The analyzer name to be used when analyzing the query string.
lowercase_expanded_terms Should terms be automatically lowercased or not. Defaults to true.
analyze_wildcard Should wildcard and prefix queries be analyzed or not. Defaults to false.
default_operator The default operator to be used, can be AND or OR. Defaults to OR.
lenient If set to true will cause format based failures (like providing text to a numeric field) to be ignored. Defaults to false.
explain For each hit, contain an explanation of how scoring of the hits was computed.
source Set to false to disable retrieval of the _source field. You can also retrieve part of the document by using _source_include & _source_exclude (see the request body documentation for more details)
fields The selective stored fields of the document to return for each hit, comma delimited. Not specifying any value will cause no fields to return.
sort Sorting to perform. Can either be in the form of fieldName, or fieldName:asc/fieldName:desc. The fieldName can either be an actual field within the document, or the special _score name to indicate sorting based on scores. There can be several sort parameters (order is important).
track_scores When sorting, set to true in order to still track scores and return them as part of each hit.
timeout A search timeout, bounding the search request to be executed within the specified time value and bail with the hits accumulated up to that point when expired. Defaults to no timeout.
terminate_after The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early. If set, the response will have a boolean field terminated_early to indicate whether the query execution has actually terminated_early. Defaults to no terminate_after.
from The starting from index of the hits to return. Defaults to 0.
size The number of hits to return. Defaults to 10.
search_type The type of the search operation to perform. Can be dfs_query_then_fetch, query_then_fetch, scan [2.1.0]1 or count [2.0.0-beta1]2. Defaults to query_then_fetch. See Search Type for more details on the different types of search that can be performed.

1 Deprecated in 2.1.0. Replaced by a regular scroll sorted by _doc.

2 Deprecated in 2.0.0-beta1. Replaced by size: 0.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""