11.3 Full text queries 全文检索

Elasticsearch 的高级全文检索功能通常被用来处理针对类似“对电子邮件的正文部分进行全文检索”这样子的需求。该功能自己能识别出被检索的字段是否被解析过,并在执行操作之前使用该字段的解析器 通过 analyzer 指定(或者查询专用的解析器 通过 search_analyzer 指定 )来先对查询文本进行一次解析:


  • match 查询


  • multi_match 查询

    即同时针对多个字段进行 match 查询

  • common_terms 查询

    一个更专业话的查询方式,当你需要对一些非常规的词汇,一些比较特有的词汇进行查询时,就可以使用 common_terms 查询,它提供了更多的配置项给你,让你进一步定义你的查询行为

  • query_string 查询

    支持紧凑的 Lucene query string syntax,允许你指定在单个查询字符串内指定与|或|非条件以及指定多字段查询。这一查询方式仅适用于有经验的专家级用户

  • simple_query_string

    一个简化过的,同时也因此变得更健壮的 query_string 语法,因此可以直接暴露给用户

The high-level full text queries are usually used for running full text queries on full text fields like the body of an email. They understand how the field being queried is analyzed and will apply each field’s analyzer (or search_analyzer) to the query string before executing.

The queries in this group are:

  • match query

    The standard query for performing full text queries, including fuzzy matching and phrase or proximity queries.

  • multi_match query

    The multi-field version of the match query.

  • common_terms query

    A more specialized query which gives more preference to uncommon words.

  • query_string query

    Supports the compact Lucene query string syntax, allowing you to specify AND|OR|NOT conditions and multi-field search within a single query string. For expert users only.

  • simple_query_string

    A simpler, more robust version of the query_string syntax suitable for exposing directly to users.

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